College Students: Finding a Summer Job Through a Staffing Agency
If you’re a college student looking for a summer job, time is of the essence.…
5 Quick Job Tips!
5 quick job tips from the Intern Queen herself, Lauren Berger! I recently spoke to…
Workplace Fashion: What to Avoid Part 1
As more offices and companies are becoming less strict about their dress code, more team…
Retaining Millennial Employees
Many businesses are beginning to feel the shift within the industry as an influx of…
How to Bomb your First Interview
Your first interview with a company is crucial. That first interview will provide your potential…
Harmful Office Catchphrases
We have all heard the office catchphrase “Thank god it’s Friday!” Whether you are waiting…
The Summer Internship: What Will You Be?
As a current college student, you can’t expect to land your dream job as your…
Creating Job Satisfaction
If you ask someone within the work force if they have job satisfaction, what do…