We have all heard the office catchphrase “Thank god it’s Friday!” Whether you are waiting to head to that popular restaurant, or you are just excited for the weekend to arrive, the catchphrase has probably passed your lips on occasion. While this office catchphrase may seem harmless and innocent enough, but think about the message you are sending to your boss! You may be using the catchphrase as a joke; your boss may not find it amusing. In fact, that catchphrase could be at the top of their pet peeve list. So why is this?


“TGIF” means that you are thankful the week is now over. This could also translate into not wanting to be at your current job, or being uninterested with your current work. Your boss doesn’t want to hear you counting down the days until you are “free.” They want an employee who is focused on the tasks at hand and is excited to come to work every day. If “TGIF” is a harmful catchphrase, what other phrases should you think twice about before saying in the company of your superiors?

  • “Happy Hour”- While many of us look forward to relaxing after a long day of work, continuously discussing the happy hour menu from the bar down the street is never ideal. This sends the message that your mind is on a drink, not on your tasks.
  • “It’s 5:00 somewhere”– This catchphrase was made famous by Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson, but shouldn’t be famous around the office. Focus on being present in the here and now and the tasks at hand….save the ‘5 o clock’ celebration for, well, 5 o clock!
  • “Case of the Mondays”– Fans of the popular movie Office Space will probably use this catchphrase often on a Monday morning. While Monday mornings may be tough at times, it is never an excuse for acting less than at your job. If you find yourself working sluggish or not being as attentive, the day of the week is never an appropriate excuse. After all, Monday is 20% of the work week! Are you suggesting you won’t be productive 20% of the time you are at work?!
  • “Hump Day”- This catchphrase can normally be heard on Wednesday, the middle of the week when some might be finding it hard to stay focused and productive. While it is a term used to describe Wednesday, it is not appropriate to refer to a day of your work week as a hump you have to get over. This tells your boss that you are simply trudging along in your work rather than being enthused and productive.
  • “It’s quittin’ time”- Using the term “quit” while in the office can carry negative connotations for your boss. Using this office catchphrase to describe leaving for the day can make your boss believe that you are looking forward to more than just leaving for the day, but indefinitely. It’s also important to remember that your normal “quittin’ time” doesn’t necessarily occur every day. Get in the habit of checking in with your boss at the end of the day by saying something like “I’m getting ready to head out for the day; is there anything you’d like me to do before I leave?’ 9 times out of 10 they’ll say no get out of here, but they will certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness!



So the next time you find an office catchphrase on the tip of your tongue, stop to think about the meaning behind the words.

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